Mid Game Dinos

Mid Game Dinos (Lvl 224/Spayed)

Level 224 creature (spayed) with the following stats:

Health/Stamina/Weight/Melee: 40
Oxygen/Food: 32

Gender & Colour: Random

If you are looking for a creature not listed here please post a suggestion on the discord forum.

Collection options



A level 224 Spayed Anglerfish. Available on all maps. For Aberration please order the abarrant variant.

The Anglerfish or Angler is a small, carnivorous fish known for its ability to harvest large amounts of Silica Pearls as well to be a bioluminescence light source.


200 tokens

4 per 30 day(s) (0%)
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Anglerfish (Ab)

Anglerfish (Aberrant)

A level 224 Spayed Anglerfish (Aberrant). Available on all maps.

The Anglerfish or Angler is a small, carnivorous fish known for its ability to harvest large amounts of Silica Pearls as well to be a bioluminescence light source.

Anglerfish (Ab)

200 tokens

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A level 224 Spayed Argentavis. Available on all maps except Aberration.

The Argentavis, also referred to as the Argy, the Argent or the Argen, is a large, carnivorous bird that regenerates its health rapidly upon scavenging a corpse. Additionally, its saddle can be utilised as a as a mobile Smithy.


200 tokens

4 per 30 day(s) (0%)
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A level 224 Spayed Basilosaurus. Available on all maps except Aberration.

The Basilosaurus, also referred as the Basilo, is a large, carnivorous mammal known for its immunity to the shocks of Cnidaria and Electrophorus as well as the tentacle grabs of Tusoteuthis. Additionally, it can also rapidly regenerate health the closer it is to the surface of the water, but it slowly loses health in deeper waters.


200 tokens

4 per 30 day(s) (0%)
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Dire Bear

Dire Bear

A level 224 Spayed Dire Bear. Available on all maps. For Aberration please order the abarrant variant.

The Dire Bear is a medium sized, omnivore mammal, known for its ability to efficiently harvest Honey from Bee Hives and keep the Survivor safe while doing it.

Dire Bear

200 tokens

4 per 30 day(s) (0%)
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Dire Bear (Ab)

Dire Bear (Aberrant)

A level 224 Spayed Dire Bear (Aberrant). Available on all maps.

The Dire Bear is a medium sized, omnivore mammal, known for its ability to efficiently harvest Honey from Bee Hives and keep the Survivor safe while doing it.

Dire Bear (Ab)

200 tokens

4 per 30 day(s) (0%)
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A level 224 Spayed Dunkleosteus. Available on all maps except Aberration.

The Dunkleosteus, also referred to as the Dunkly, or simply the Dunk, is a large, carnivorous fish. Its body plates act as a natural armor resulting in reduced damages, and its powerful jaws allow the Dunkleosteus to gather resources from underwater nodes.


200 tokens

4 per 30 day(s) (0%)
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A level 224 Spayed Gigantopithecus. Available on all maps. For Aberration please order the abarrant variant.

The Gigantopithecus is medium-sized, herbivorous mammal. This big primate is ridden without a saddle, allowing survivors to wield a weapon in the meantime. A non-Tek helmet armor piece can be used by the Gigantopithecus as an substitute form of protection.


200 tokens

4 per 30 day(s) (0%)
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Gigantopithecus (Ab)

Gigantopithecus (Aberrant)

A level 224 Spayed Gigantopithecus (Aberrant). Available on all maps.

The Gigantopithecus is medium-sized, herbivorous mammal. This big primate is ridden without a saddle, allowing survivors to wield a weapon in the meantime. A non-Tek helmet armor piece can be used by the Gigantopithecus as an substitute form of protection.

Gigantopithecus (Ab)

200 tokens

4 per 30 day(s) (0%)
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A level 224 Spayed Mantis. Available on all maps except Aberration.

The Mantis a small, carnivorous invertebrate known for its ability to use a multitude of tools in order to increase its combat prowess and harvesting capabilities.


200 tokens

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A level 224 Spayed Megatherium. Available on all maps except Aberration.

The Megatherium, or Giant Sloth, is a large, omnivorous mammal known for its Chitin-harvesting capabilities as well as its unique Insect Killer buff that greatly boosts its combat prowess and aggression upon killing a chitinous creature.


200 tokens

4 per 30 day(s) (0%)
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A level 224 Spayed Rex. Available on all maps except Aberration.

The Tyrannosaurus, or simply Rex, is a huge, bulky predator that dominates virtually all of the island and is rivaled by few and surpassed by even fewer.


200 tokens

4 per 30 day(s) (0%)
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Roll Rat

Roll Rat

A level 224 Spayed Roll Rat. Available on all maps.

The Roll Rat is a medium-sized, herbivorous mammal known for its wood-harvesting capabilities as well as its ability to curl up into a ball and roll around at high speeds. Additionally, the Roll Rat's saddle is capable of carrying multiple survivors at once.

Roll Rat

200 tokens

4 per 30 day(s) (0%)
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A level 224 Spayed Spinosaurus. Available on all maps. For Aberration please order the abarrant variant.

The Spinosaurus, or Spino, is a deadly predator that is usually found roaming the rivers and swamp areas. They have a water buff, can walk on two legs or on all fours, and swim akin to that of a crocodile.


200 tokens

4 per 30 day(s) (0%)
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Spinosaurus (Ab)

Spinosaurus (Aberrant)

A level 224 Spayed Spinosaurus (Aberrant). Available on all maps.

The Spinosaurus, or Spino, is a deadly predator that is usually found roaming the rivers and swamp areas. They have a water buff, can walk on two legs or on all fours, and swim akin to that of a crocodile.

Spinosaurus (Ab)

200 tokens

4 per 30 day(s) (0%)
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A level 224 Spayed Thylacoleo. Available on all maps except Aberration.

The Thylacoleo, more commonly known as a Marsupial Lion, Tree Cat or simply Thyla, can climb vertical surfaces such as walls or Redwood trees. Its attack has a bleeding status effect that drains up to 5% of a victim's health over five seconds, which cannot be negated by armor.


200 tokens

4 per 30 day(s) (0%)
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A level 224 Spayed Yutyrannus. Available on all maps except Aberration.

The Yutyrannus or simply Yuty is a large, carnivorous dinosaur known for its ability to buff its allies and terrify its enemies with its roars. Additionally, it is also able to call upon wild Carnotaurus to aid it in battle.


200 tokens

4 per 30 day(s) (0%)
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